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AIX Design Group / Woodworking  / THE LOST LOOM BENCH


My sister lives in in Four Mile Canyon just outside of Boulder, Colorado. And she used to be a weaver. He loom was large and occupied a prominent place in her home. As a special gift for very close family member, I decided to design and craft a bench for her to sit on while working at her loom. It had two T-shaped legs, a central storage drawer, and two smaller storage areas accessed by lifting up a hinged cover. Made of cherry wood, it was a very beautiful piece. My sister cherished the bench and appreciated the time and craftsmanship that were required to produce it.

And then came the Four Mile Canyon fire. It’s been about 7 years I guess since my sister’s house burned to the ground in a very fast moving wildfire in the area. The loom bench and just about everything else was destroyed. Recently, I asked my sister if she had any pictures of the bench. It’s unlikely that any exist.

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